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Strengthen Classroom Management in Your School by Developing Your Own Trainers!

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Strengthen Classroom Management in Your School by Developing Your Own Trainers!

Time To Teach® Agenda

Classroom Management

Our training is proven in proactive, research based, practical, and easy to implement strategies. We provide flexibility to best meet the needs unique to your campus. Participants will learn techniques to allow them to always be clear, concise, and consistent with students.

Day 1: Classroom Management Agenda


8:30 am – 12:00 pm

Maintain a Calm and Attentive Mindset for Classroom Management

  • Nullify challenges swiftly, positively, and gracefully by learning to “read your room.”
  • Detect and correct classroom problems without interrupting instruction.
  • Learn to avoid accidentally agitating students by violating their personal space.
  • Appear confident yet comforting to your students.

Strategic Classroom Arrangement and Effective Management Techniques

  • Master the “teaching power position” and its impact on classroom dynamics.
  • Strategically position yourself in the classroom to minimize student challenges and distractions.
  • Direct and maintain student focus on essential classroom priorities and learning objectives.
  • Learn and implement dynamic desk arrangements, ranging from traditional to unconventional.
  • Learn effective methods to teach and reinforce classroom rules and procedures.
  • Transform students who struggle with socialization into successful classroom participants.
  • Guide students in exhibiting appropriate behavior in both classroom and social settings.

Zoom Through Your Lesson Plans & Master Standards Like Never Before

  • Implement time-efficient teaching techniques to cover comprehensive lesson plans effectively.
  • Teach strategies to promote peaceful coexistence among students in the classroom environment.
  • Instruct methods to maximize student focus and active listening during lessons.


Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 pm


1:00 – 3:30 pm

Firmly but Fairly Carry Out Disciplinary Actions

  • Minimize repeated warnings and requests through clear and assertive communication.
  • Prevent disruptions that hinder teaching time by addressing challenges promptly.
  • Instill confidence and ensure successful teaching interactions with each student.
  • Address challenges assertively, maintaining respect, authority, and composure.

Build and Maintain Strong Student and Teacher Relationships

  • Connect with non-compliant students and prevent meltdowns.
  • Reach at-risk children and turn them into productive classroom members.
  • Energize apathetic students and have them work harder.
  • Reach every student, every day.

Overall: Master Classroom Management: Essential Strategies for Effective Discipline

  • Skillfully handle disruptive students: Discover five immediate steps to regain control.
  • Streamline classroom management techniques to reduce your workload.
  • Establish authority and gain respect to effectively lead your classroom.
  • Address misbehavior to encourage positive behavioral changes.
  • Optimize teaching time by minimizing disruptions and focusing on education.

Day 2: Classroom Management Agenda


8:30 am – 12:00 pm

Day 1 Questions to date

Advanced Training on Time To Teach®: Review and Practice Beliefs and Self-Control Units

  • Second training demonstration of both units by an expert National Trainer.
  • In-depth exploration of key teaching points for each unit.
  • Examination of teaching resources essential for each unit.
  • Development and discussion of application activities related to each unit.
  • Interactive table-top teach-back sessions of each unit content facilitated by Site-Based experts.


Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 pm


1:00 – 3:30 pm

Advanced Training on Time To Teach®: Review and Practice Classroom Ecology and Unconditional Positive Regard Units

  • Second training demonstration of both units by an expert National Trainer.
  • Identification of key teaching points for each unit.
  • Examination of teaching resources for effective unit instruction.
  • Facilitated instruction for developing application activities related to each unit.
  • Interactive table-top teach-back sessions of each unit content facilitated by Site-Based experts.

1) Exam 2) Exam Review and Preparation for Day 3, and Other Questions

Day 3: Classroom Management Agenda


8:30 am – 12:00 pm

Review of Training Resources, Website, and Tips for Site-Based Certified Instructors.

Advanced Training on Time To Teach®: Review and Practice Teach-To’s® and Refocus® Units

  • A comprehensive second training demonstration of both units by an expert National Trainer.
  • Identification and clarification of key teaching points for each unit.
  • In-depth review of available teaching resources for effective unit delivery.
  • Development and discussions of practical application activities for each unit.
  • Interactive table-top teach-back sessions of each unit content facilitated by Site-Based experts.


Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 pm


1:00 – 3:30 pm

Culmination of Comprehensive Training: Bringing It All Together!

  • Training Tips for Site-Based Certification Trainers
  • Site-Based Certification Requirements Overview
  • Site-Based Certification Assessment Details
  • Training Action Plan Considerations
  • Implementation of Your First Time To Teach® Foundation Course
  • Corporate Authorization for Training Time To Teach® in Your School/District

Do you need help selecting a you need to talk with someone?


A Time To Teach representative is ready to help you select the Time To Teach training program that’s right for your school.

Prefer to have one of our nationally acclaimed expert trainers provide training for your school? Inquire about our on-site training sessions tailored for groups of 10 or more teachers.


Center for Teacher Effectiveness & Time To Teach
220 East Avenue
PO Box 14001 PMB 469
Ketchum, ID 83340

Phone Number

(800) 641-2068

Fax Number

(800) 801-1872

We stand behind every program and training product we provide. If a participant is not satisfied with a training program or product, we provide a 100% refund of the fee.